The MeSHe clinical projects
Addiction today is still a taboo. Addicted people often are stigmatized as weak willed and morally flawed. Today globally only one in six people get treatment for their addiction, and in developing countries medical treatments or psychosocial support not offered or extremely limited to women. Moreover, the fact that culture influences how symptoms arise, how they are interpreted, whether a person seeks professional help or not, how the first meeting happens, how a diagnosis is understood, and how the diagnosis can be explained to the client, often neglected during clinical circumstances.
Consequently, the necessity of studying cultural–specific indicators and risk factors of substance abuse, addiction, aggressive antisocial and self-harm behaviors are undoubtable absolutely critical to be able to provide to addicts equal help and personcentred care, without discriminating those immigrating or those whose parents have immigrated to our culture.
General aim
To evaluation integrated intensive treatment alternatives of outpatient addiction-care, in all participating countries, and dissemination of the gathered evidence.