Dejan Stevanovic
Dejan is a child psychiatrist and specialist for neuropsychology. His main research interests are cross-cultural psychiatry, psychopharmacology, and pharmacoeconomics, with the main published works focussed on psychometrics, cross-cultural scale validation, paediatric quality of life, epilepsy, anxiety and depression in children and adolescents. The main clinical expertise is diagnosing and treating neurodevelopmental disorders.
Dejan is a co-leader of the International Child Mental Health – Study Group (ICMH-SG) and a co-founder of the Autism Spectrum Disorder International Consortium (ASDIC), two organizations aiming to bridge knowledge gaps in child and adolescent mental health research in undeveloped and developing countries.
Clinic for Neurology and Psychiatry for
Children and Youth
Belgrade, Serbia
MD, Ph.D in Child psychiatry
Research associate